Weaving Solidarities- Reflections in Resistance, Celebration of Resilience

As we observe  Jammu & Kashmir Solidarity Week, ’Weaving Solidarities — Reflections in Resistance, Celebration of Resilience’ is an attempt to bring together democratic movements for self-determination rights, historically oppressed communities, and the politically assertive movements of Muslim women (as reflected in anti-CAA protests). While each of these struggles is different from the other in their histories, ideologies, locations, and aspirations, they all have  contributed to challenging the idea of a  Brahminical, patriarchal, communal narrative of what a nation should be.

What weaves them together is also that they have been demonised in the mainland Indian narrative as threats –- of being separatists, anti-nationals, divisive forces, and so on.

This dialogue is an attempt by collectives and individuals in solidarity initiatives, to understand similar aspirations and assertions across geographical and historical locations. It is also meant  to take forward possibilities of mutual solidarity and conversations of critical engagement, sharing, learning, and un-learning from each other. This is an attempt to acknowledge, understand, and engage with those continuously challenging these false narratives of history. At the same time, it tries to explore the intersections within each of these movements, as to how they engage with questions of caste, gender, power, democracy, secularism, resource distribution, nationality, etc.

’Weaving Solidarities’ will be an online dialogue on  Sunday  August 9, from 3:00 pm till :530 pm.

Considering the day’s political symbolism of being  British  Quit India Day, a day to remember the victims of the second worst nuclear attack in human history –- Nagasaki Day, and the International Indigenous People’s Day,  this dialogue hopes to weave many such thoughts and conversations together.


  • Rosemary Dzuvichu (Naga movement)
  • Soni Sori (Adivasi Andolan, Bastar)
  • Thirumurugan Gandhi (May 17 movement)
  • Hasina Khan (Bebaak Collective)
  • Bonojit Hussain (Assamese activist and scholar)
  • Khurram Parvez (Jammu & Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society)

The conversation will be facilitated by Meera Sanghamitra of National Alliance of People’s Movements with Vijayan MJ of Pakistan India Peoples’ Forum for Peace & Democracy.

For FB live, please go to the page – https://www.facebook.com/pipfpd/
Interpretation assistance will be available for Hindi and Tamil.

Thank you and hope you will join us.

Jammu & Kashmir Solidarity Group

Co-ordinated by
Pakistan India Peoples’ Forum for Peace & Democracy