Kya Paani mein Sarhad hoti hai? screening was done on 10th August 2022 from 4 pm to 7 pm, at Speaker hall, constitution club, New Delhi followed by a panel discussion on the issue of the fish workers’ arrests between India and Pakistan for crossing maritime boundaries.
Panelists include – Mr. Kumar Ketkar (MP- Rajya Sabha), Shaktisinh Gohil (MP- Rajya Sabha), Hannan Mollah (AIKS), Veljibhai Masani (Fishworker Leader), Rajesh Chudasama(MP- Lok Sabha), Lalubhai Patel (MP-Lok Sabha), Santosh Kohle (Film Maker), Pragati Bankhele (Script Writer), Jatin Desai (Journalist) and Bharat Bhushan (Journalist).
Chair – Dr. Syeda Hameed
The occasion was the screening of Santosh Kohle’s documentary film: _‘Kya Pani Mein Sarhad Hoti hei?’_, on the plight of the jailed fishworkers of India and Pakistan. Film makers Santosh and Pragati Bankhele were present at the Delhi release. The panel discussion saw the participation of MPs, political leaders and journalists, and also the families of the Fishworkers who have been in jail in Pakistan.